The multiple-choice question and answer are a staple of standardized tests, but they can also be found in many other settings. In multiple-choice questions and answers, a question is presented with several possible answers from which the test taker must choose the correct answer. While it can be an effective way to test knowledge, it […]
5 Types of Note Taking That Work
Taking notes is a habit that’s directly correlated with educational success. Studies show that taking notes leads to at least 13% better test results than not doing so. It can also help people concentrate better on the topic by tapping into their creativity and improving their memory recall. Unfortunately, note taking is a skill that […]
7 School Tips That Boost Test Results
It’s no secret that school can be hard. Juggling classes, homework, and social life can be a lot to handle for anyone. Similarly, getting good grades can feel like an impossible feat, and the pressure of standardized tests can be overwhelming. However, there are certain tips that can boost your test results and help you […]
Simple Student Planning: 4 Steps to Planning in 15 Minutes a Week
We’ve discussed planning for students in an earlier blog. Some of us really hate it, but we know that it’s a necessary study skill. If you are a student who hates planning, we are with you. We explained in that post that there was one key question you need to be able to answer: how much structure do I […]
How to Earn Better Grades While Studying Less through Filtering
In my last article, I commented that you don’t need to know everything from class to get an “A.” Grades Don’t read too much into that statement. “A” students work really hard. They put in the hours needed to do well, but they do it the right way. Studying is like running a marathon. There is a right way and a wrong […]
7 Essential Steps to Cram for a Test Without Losing Your Mind
It’s December. That means apple cider, family, Christmas lights, and (that’s right; you guessed it) finals. I’m in a coffee shop surrounded by college students cramming for finals. The girl across the room is about to rub a bald spot in her hair trying to figure out calculus. The guy in the corner just started laughing. He also has […]
The 3 Simple Phases of the Effective Exam Cram
Question: What’s wrong with the following conversation? Student #1: “I have a final exam tomorrow.” Student #2: “Bummer. How are you going to study?” Student #1: “I dunno. Probably just read the book some more…?” Answer: The simplest answer is that this student has no direction. If you are one of the countless students who has had […]
5 Reasons You Should Consider Getting More Education
How much education do you need? Is a high school diploma good enough? Should you get a college degree? Or maybe even a PhD? Everyone’s life-path heads different directions, and, depending on your passions and abilities, different levels of education will be of different importance. If you are a fantastic carpenter, you probably don’t need […]