Middle school and high school guys can be wonderful learners. But sometimes it can help to focus on those areas that can give students the biggest bang for their study skills for guys buck (so to speak). Focus on these three skills to help your student get the most out of their academic approach.
Study skills for guys #1: Visual learning
Dudes are visual learners typically. By this I mean we process info best when it’s in images, pictures, etc.
We’ve talked in a previous post on guys and visual learning about this, but we do feel like it’s so important that has earned a second mention. Guys tend to learn better when they see information rather than just hear it. This is why we like movies so much — and why sometimes fellas tend to drift mentally in class.
Focus on learning strategies that help make verbal info visual.
Study skills for guys #2: Organization
Getting organized is super necessary for guys — and also somewhat of a task. We men aren’t typically the world’s most organized individuals. Sure, some guys are much better at organization. My dad is one of them. He’s incredibly organized, and it’s amazing.
Left to my own devices, I develop piles. That’s right. Not files, piles. Sometimes it’s dishes. Sometimes it’s clothing. Sometimes it’s school work. But it’s almost always in a pile.
That’s part of the reason we’ve spent so much time, effort, and energy developing incredibly simple systems for keeping guys organized (like we teach in the Dudes’ Guide to Study Skills). Whoever you are, you can improve in this area, and we suggest that you do. It will save you time and boost your grades.
Study skills for guys #3: Staying active
Isn’t it interesting how quickly guys will make something into a competition? We are constantly developing new games, new sports, or new something else active.
But there is one sure-fire way to get a guy to sit down and chill out: put him in a classroom.
For some strange reason the activity level that so many guys experience for the rest of their lives sometimes gets left out of the classroom. One of the best things your student can do is find ways to become a more active student in the classroom. They’ll get more from class and ultimately save themselves some time.
If you have other suggestions, we’d love to hear them on social media!