Although resources are easy to come by these days due to today’s technology, note-taking is still a crucial part of any student’s academic success. Taking notes helps students to remember important information, recall details, and stay organized in their studies.
However, not all note-taking styles are created equal; different students may find that one particular style works better for them than another does. Moreover, one note-taking style may be better suited to a particular subject or task than another, such as when it comes to research papers.
This guide will discuss some of the different types of notes and how they can be used to improve academic performance.
Benefits of Taking Good Notes
But first, let’s go over the advantages of learning how to take good notes:
Creates a Record for Future Study
Taking effective notes helps students focus on the key points of lectures and readings and provides a record that can be used for future study. Different note-taking styles are beneficial depending on individual learning preferences or the type of material being studied.
Engages Your Senses
Taking notes is beneficial for helping students to stay alert and better remember the material. Writing down information helps you to process it more deeply and create a stronger connection with the knowledge. This can help you focus more during class and retain more from lectures.
Organizes Information
Good note-taking helps to organize the material you are studying. You can quickly refer back to notes while studying or writing an exam, helping you remember important information and retain knowledge better. Additionally, taking notes allows for quick reference, which saves time when researching topics.
Boosts Comprehension
Taking good notes can help students understand and retain information better. Taking notes during class helps to crystallize material in mind, which assists with comprehension of the lecture topic. Regular note-taking can also help students recall important facts and details for future reference.

Different Types of Notes
These are different types of notes and note-taking styles you can consider adopting:
Listing the Key Points
The list method uses a sequential listing of ideas. This is the simplest form of note-taking and can be used for lectures, reading assignments, and group discussions. Listing key points allows you to quickly capture the main ideas without getting bogged down in details.
However, this method does require plenty of writing, which can be time-consuming. It also does not allow for much organization or provide extra details that may be important in the future.
Outlining the Lesson
The outline method is one of the most popular forms of note-taking. It involves taking organized notes from the lecture and organizing them into an outline with main ideas, subtopics, and key points. This type of note-taking allows for a quick review of the material, broken down into a simple format that can be easily digested and remembered.
It involves placing the most general information at the leftmost part of the paper, which serves as a main heading. Then, as more facts under this heading are discussed, they are then written beneath it. There’s also a focus on indenting to group information together.
Using Concept Maps
Concept maps are a great way to connect different topics and ideas in a subject. They can be used to create visual representations of how various concepts are related, allowing you to review material quickly by exploring these relationships.
To take notes using concept mapping, begin by writing the main topic or idea at the center of your paper. From there, draw lines outward for each related concept or detail and add labels to them as needed. This will help you organize information in an easy-to-understand way and make it easier to remember.
Organizing Notes With Charts
Charts are another visual tool that can help organize notes. With this style, you have to identify the topics that will most likely be discussed in the lecture. Then, prepare in advance by creating columns for each topic or category. When the lecture begins, write key facts in the appropriate columns.
The charting method is great for organizing notes but can also hamper your concentration when you need to locate the right category to write down a new fact. As such, you may miss important points while trying to find the correct column.
Utilizing the Cornell Method
The Cornell method entails dividing a page into two columns. The left column should be used to write down your cue for remembering the discussed ideas written on the right side of the paper. You could use any of the methods above for the latter, such as writing down keywords or phrases, symbols, or diagrams. This method helps to organize your notes systematically while giving you space to jot down additional information.
Many students find this method especially helpful for organizing their notes into topics and sub-topics, which can make studying much easier in the long run. As such, the Cornell method is a great way to keep track of your notes and ensure you have the necessary information for upcoming exams.
Tips for Successful Note-Taking
Now that you are familiar with the different types of notes let’s discuss the top five tips to help you take notes successfully using any of the methods above:
Focus on the Main Points
When taking notes, it’s important to focus on the main points. This means that you should write down only the essential information from your class or lecture. Doing this can help ensure that your notes are as organized and easy to read as possible.
It pays to know the subject matter for a particular lecture. With this knowledge, you can focus on the material without trying to retain so many of the details, especially if these aren’t relevant to the main topic.
Learn How To Write Shorthand (Or Create Your Own)
Shorthand is a great way to record information quickly. It basically means shortening words or phrases by condensing them into symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms. There are a few universally accepted shorthand symbols, such as the & for “and” or the + for “plus.”
However, you can also create your own shorthand symbols that make sense to you and help with your note-taking process. Making your own symbols helps you remember the information better if you’ve connected it with another idea.
Keep Your Handwriting Legible
One of the main reasons students don’t like reviewing their notes is that they become frustrated trying to decipher their handwriting. The more legible and organized your notes, the easier it is to review them later. Use a consistent style when taking notes so that you can quickly recognize symbols, abbreviations, and other markings used in your note-taking system.
Practice is the key to writing fast while still having legible handwriting. Try to write one sentence in 30 seconds and keep practicing until you can do it easily.
Handwriting legibility isn’t just for writing on pen and paper. If you have a mobile device and prefer to use a pen to take notes rather than type, you still need to make sure that you can read what you wrote. Some apps and digital pens can convert handwriting to text, but it only works if your handwriting is legible.
Follow a Structure for Better Readability
Learn how to maximize headings, subheadings, and bullet points to give structure to your notes. Following a hierarchy of information will allow you to easily access the most important points when studying. It keeps your notes organized by topic and makes them easier to read and recall.
As you may have noticed in the methods, there’s a focus on using headings to break up your notes into categories. This way, you can quickly skim through the information and find what you need without reading every word.
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions
When taking notes in class, you should be an active listener and ask questions when something doesn’t make sense. This will help you fully understand the material and get more out of your classes. Asking questions can also be a great way to engage with your professor and classmates, giving you the opportunity to explore concepts further.

No matter your learning style, taking notes can be a great way to improve academic performance. Different types of notes have different advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to find the right one that works best for you.
Whether you prefer visual cues such as the chart method or traditional lists, the key is finding a system that helps you stay organized and focused on the material being discussed.
Taking good notes will help you engage with your subject, retain more information, and ultimately lead to better academic success. Take the time to test different note-taking techniques to find the most effective approach to achieving your goals.
What are the four types of notes?
The four major types of note-taking styles are:
1. Cornell Method
2. Concept Maps
3. Listing Key Points
4. Outlines
What are the 12 types of notes?
There are various types of notes, such as:
1. Study notes
2. To-do lists
3. Journal notes
4. Musical notes
5. Medical notes
6. Meeting notes
7. Financial notes
8. Creative notes
9. Code notes
10. Recipe notes
11. Travel notes
12. Research notes