If you have a genuine desire to make a positive impact on individuals and communities, a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree can provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively support and advocate for those in need. As a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) graduate, you learn about child welfare, criminal justice, […]
Notes To Live By: How to Choose the Right Type of Note for Every Situation?
Knowing how to properly take notes will not only help you review your classes and get good grades but will also enable you to save time and effort, avoid stress, and enjoy your whole learning journey. However, like I once did, you might wonder what type of note to use for different situations or lessons. […]
How To Ace Multiple Choice Questions: Tips and Tricks
Any exam or quiz day can feel stressful for students. Unless the teacher tells you in advance, you never know what type of questions you’ll have to be ready for. Some students dread identification-type questions, while others prefer them. And when multiple choice questions join the mix, some prefer the safety while others find it […]
5 Time-Wasters Effective Students Avoid During a Cram Session
One key effective students master during a cram session is efficiency. The goal of each cram session is to get the right points from your notes, into your head, then onto the paper in as little time as possible. Avoiding these 5 time-wasters will help improve that efficiency. Cram Session Time-Waster #1: Re-reading the chapter This time-waster is the Jersey […]
5 Great Online Summer Tutor Programs to Keep Your Child Learning
Summers are a great time for kids. It’s their time of freedom to do things they love, hang out with friends, and spend more time with their family. It’s a time for adventure, pool parties, and trips. As exciting as summer can be for your child, it has its downsides, too — summer learning loss.All […]
Using Your Tactile Learning Style To Succeed in School
Do you learn best when you can touch and feel what you’re learning? If so, you have a tactile learning style. This means that you learn how effectively when you can interact with information hands-on. Many people are tactile learners, and there are ways to use this to your advantage to succeed in school. This […]
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Kinesthetic and Tactile Learning!
People learn in various ways. Sadly, the education system primarily teaches students through auditory and visual learning. While these methods are effective for many, some kids struggle to comprehend and retain information this way. A kinesthetic tactile approach is an excellent adjunct to visual and auditory learning for students who better understand things through touch. […]
Taking Notes From a Textbook: The Do’s and Don’ts
In the realm of effective learning, master the art of taking notes from a textbook and enhance your academic prowess.