“I’m too busy.” “I’m too tired.” “I have six quizzes, and I can’t keep up.” “It’s finals week, and I can’t finish everything I have to finish!” Learn the top 2 approaches to your workload to reduce stress and achieve your goals without being overwhelmed. I’ve heard all of these statements while teaching simple study […]
4 Steps to Reading a Textbook Quickly and Effectively
You should never have to read a chapter more than once (in theory). If you’ve done your reading well and taken notes as you read, you have a record of the thoughts being communicated. Granted, it takes a while to adapt to this approach. Don’t be upset if you have a time of adjustment before […]
Study Guide: Why Successful Students Avoid These 4 Causes of Failure
Failure. Don’t you hate that word? There is such a finality to it. Failure. It’s a said and done kind of word. You tried, but you failed. You are a failure. What an epic fail. Your opportunity is up, and it didn’t work. You didn’t win. Someone else did. You came in last. You are […]
Study Guide: Why Successful Students Avoid These 4 Causes of Failure
Failure. Don’t you hate that word? There is such a finality to it. Discover the four common causes of student failure then because it’s easier to avoid failure in your academics by being familiar with these causes Failure. It’s a said and done kind of word. You tried, but you failed. You are a failure. […]
Quit Missing Test Questions: How to Understand Ideas
Why Quit Missing Test Questions? As I’ve been a tutor through the years, several stories keep popping up. Stories like, “I just don’t get math,” or “Learning languages just isn’t my thing,” are common. Most people have some subject that doesn’t make a lot of sense to them. One story is incredibly common, though. It’s […]
Simple Student Planning: 4 Steps to Planning in 15 Minutes a Week
We’ve discussed simple planning for students in an earlier blog. Some of us really hate it, but we know that it’s a necessary study skill. If you are a student who hates planning, we are with you. We explained in that post that there was one key question you need to be able to answer: how […]
How to Earn Better Grades While Studying Less through Filtering
In my last article, I commented that you don’t need to know everything from class to get an “A.” Don’t read too much into that statement reading a textbook quickly. “A” students work really hard. They put in the hours needed to do well, but they do it the right way. Studying is like running a marathon. There is […]
Three Reasons You Need to Understand Filtering to Be A Successful Student
I was in a fraternity in college. It was a great fraternity. We won a bunch of awards while I was in the fraternity, even the top chapter in the entire nation one year. I had some great experiences, made some great friends, understand filtering and learned a lot about the way groups of people […]