We cannot overemphasize the importance of the editing process. Editing your paper is a vital part of becoming a better writer. However, if you are like me, the idea of editing your writing may seem like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You have no idea how to start and the mere thought […]
The #1 most important step to get prepared for final exams
Final exams tend create stress levels that US Army Drill Sergeants would proudly own. Final exams tend to be cumulative. This tends to mean final exams are hard, not just something you can cram for at the last minute and pass. Which again tends to mean they get stressful. I once heard a story about four friends […]
Learning by osmosis isn’t a thing.
A common misconception is that learning is essentially absorbing information. Students sit in class. Teachers say things. Students absorb the info. Tests are then given to see which students absorbed the most information. It’s the “learning by osmosis” idea. As long as you are in the same room as teaching, you’re bound to learn something. […]
Two reasons you should want to start studying for final exams now
Studying for final exams should start soon. It may not, but it should. Sometimes, though, students start thinking about summer instead of studying for final exams. They make beach trip plans. They start spending more time outside. They go buy sandals and board shorts. They go hiking, or play soccer, or go camping. And they […]
3 Keys to Having an Effective Study Group
Study groups are complicated. On the one hand, most people know that they have to help. Any time you get together with other people and discuss school things, it’s got to be good, right? But on the other hand, most people know that just getting together with other people isn’t a magic wand. Study groups […]
How to kill procrastination (and why one common solution doesn’t work)
In a recent post we gave you some tips on how to stop procrastination deadlines. Our fourth was what we called “accountability.” Today we’re going to dig into that tip a bit more. Procrastination is a killer of student success. And we want to help you see an important reality about it: You can’t do […]
Improve Your Writing: Creating an Outline
Last week, we showed how reading helps to develop your skills as a writer. This week, we will look at the importance of creating an outline. If you are like me, you will want to resist this advice. You have probably waited too long to get started writing (check out this blog on procrastination), and […]
Stop procrastinating with these 4 tips for students
Stop procrastinating may sound a bit like, “Stop sleeping with your eyes closed.” A lot of students don’t know any other way to study. It’s not like they want to procrastinate. It’s just that… that’s what you do! Well, believe it or not, you don’t have to keep procrastinating. You can stop procrastinating, become a […]